Featured Artists

November 2018 Featured Artist – Jenny Cartwright Roemmich

Welcome to the Fantasy Creature Doll Club featured artist of the month article! We have some incredible talent and wonderful people in our club. How about we get to know a bit about each other? The following is our November 2018 interview. Enjoy!
Interviewer: Michelle Albert
Featured Artist: Jenny Cartwright Roemmich
If you could wave a wand and turn one of your creatures into a living animal, which one would you pick and why? I would probably bring Ember my lava dragon to life. His back-story was so exciting to write. And I developed so many new things to make him. He’s the one I’m most proud of so far this year.
What do you like best about creating art dolls? I love bringing a creation to life. They start out as pieces of material and turn into something magical along the way. (Though getting to 90 percent finished where the magic starts can be frustrating. )
How do you balance your art time and/friend/family time? I have a toddler and this is one I still struggle with. I have a certain amount of time to craft a day (nap time) and then as long as I can stay awake once she’s asleep. Some days I go over if I have a project I’m particularly excited about. But I try to keep it to those times. So I can have the rest of the day to do other things.
What other types of art do you enjoy either creating yourself or appreciating the work of others? I love watching watercolor illustrators on youtube. Danica Sills, and Sophira Lou to name a few. Water Colors are the medium I find the most frustrating. So i like to watch others enjoying it. I love painting with acrylics, and drawing as well as making jewelry. I’ve dabbled in so many things I lose count.
Do you have any other fun talents? Something different about me is: I was a cake decorator for almost 6 years. It was such a fun medium! And I still want to learn more about fondant and modeling chocolate. That’s where I honed the sculpting and airbrushing techniques I use when making dolls.