Featured Artists

September 2019 Featured Artist – Angel Goulter Randall

Welcome to the newest Featured Artist article! Introducing Angel Goulter Randall, owner creator artist of Buttonwings! Check out her website links at the end of this interview.
Q – What or who is your biggest inspiration as an artist?
A – I remember so clearly seeing Brian Froud’s Faeries book for the first time as a child and something stirred in me that was laying dormant until that moment. I was completely hooked on all things ‘Froudian’! I loved the Dark Crystal and Labyrinth so much I can’t tell you how many times I’ve watched them. Also, a massive fan of Fraggle Rock and The Storyteller. So my biggest inspiration would be Jim Henson and Brian Froud.
Q – Do you like to work in quiet or have background noise and if so, what kind do you like?
A – I need quiet to go deeply into my creative zone and allow creatures to come through. I practice Transcendental Meditation and this really helps me connect to ‘other (inside) realms’.
Q – How long have you been making art?
A – I started making my own miniature toys from polymer clay when I was 8. So, 30 years!
Q – What is your favorite animal fictional or real?
A – Favorite animal is a hard one….I love them all! But Arctic Foxes, Pomeranian Puppies, Fizzgigs, basically anything with gentle eyes and a lot of fluff. That comes through strongly in my FuzzlePuff creations.
Q – Outside of art, what are some of your hobbies?
A – When I’m not in the studio I’m studying to be a midwife. I love all things birth related. I have 5 children and my last two births were just my husband and I at home, NO MIDWIFE OR DOCTOR!! I gave birth to my youngest in an inflatable spa in the middle of my studio surrounded by my art. Creation at its finiest!
Q – What is your greatest challenge as an artist?
A – My greatest challenge as an artist is marketing my work. It’s amazing that even in a small country town where I’ve lived for 3 decades, some locals have no clue I’m an artist. I like the creative part but get stuck on the business side of things (even though I have a certificate III in Business management!).