Featured Artists

February 2018 Sarah Pierzchala


Welcome to the February 2018 Fantasy Creature Doll Club featured artist of the month article! We have some incredible talent and wonderful people in our club. How about we get to know a bit about each other? The following is our February 2018 interview. Enjoy!


Interviewer: Jenny Roemmich

Featured Artist: Sarah Pierzchala


Q: What was the first doll you made?


A: My first serious dolls and animals were made for my eldest daughter, about 14 years ago. The design for the unicorn I created for her is still basically the same design I use now, but of course I’ve refined many aspects.


Q: Do you listen to music? And what songs most frequently?


A: I definitely listen to music! I find it harder to create if I don’t have a “soundtrack” in the background! My default tunes are classic/indie rock, but lately I’ve been listening to more New Age/Ambient artists such as Enya, Vangelis and Constance Demby. I’m finding purely instrumental, meditative music to be much more helpful to my evolving creative process.


Q: What is the biggest thing you wish you had known before you started creating?


A: I really wish that I had trained myself to be more organized, self-disciplined and business-like about my art journey. Instead, I sort of bumbled along, worked mainly when I “felt” like it, and made lots of errors that had to be un-learned later. I’ve learned that being more organized, researching techniques and planning ahead actually makes me more creative and productive!


Q: What is your favorite part of the doll making process? The least favorite?


A: My favorite part of the process is when I’m putting the finishing touches on a piece, and the personality is shining through all the different materials to make a whole, new little creation. My least favorite part is twisting the wire for the armatures!


Q: What does your crafting space look like?


A: My little studio is in the corner of an enclosed porch on our 1912 home. I’ve got it pretty well lit, with a big L-shaped table arrangement, lots of storage and organization. It’s very useful and efficient, but not a particularly photogenic space!


Q: What is a weird fact about you?


A: I guess that would be that I was homeschooled during the ’70’s and ’80’s, and that I’m homeschooling my own children now. Not particularly weird, but a bit different.

Thanks so much for these great questions!



Let’s show Sarah how much we appreciate her by visiting her Facebook Page and Etsy store. Check it out!


